
where entrepreneurship meets community empowerment

We believe that by working together, we can create sustainable businesses, empower communities, and make a positive impact in the world.

How It Works

We go through this process to make sure companies are formed.

Concept Development

Sharing business idea with community 

Community Engagement

Gather feedback, refine your concept, and assess interest.

Formation of Co-Ownership Agreement

 Collaborate with co-owners to formalize the agreement.

Fostering collaboration, innovation, and resilience

Benefits of Co-Ownership

  • Shared Risk and Reward: Spread the risk and share the rewards of entrepreneurship with co-owners.
  • Guidance and Support: Access resources, guidance, and support throughout the business formation process.

Economic Empowerment

Create sustainable businesses that generate income and create job opportunities within communities.

Networking Opportunities

Connect with like-minded individuals, potential partners, and industry experts.



Novoturn promotes economic empowerment by facilitating the creation of sustainable businesses.

Get answers to commonly asked questions

  • Novoturn works by providing a platform where individuals can share business ideas, form co-ownership agreements, register businesses, and collaborate with others to launch and run ventures together.
  • Novoturn is open to individuals who are at least 18 years old and have the legal capacity to enter into agreements. Whether you're an experienced entrepreneur or someone with a great business idea, you can use Novoturn to connect with potential co-owners and start ventures together.
  • Co-ownership through Novoturn allows individuals to share the risks and rewards of entrepreneurship, access resources and support, collaborate with like-minded individuals, and build sustainable businesses together.
  • Novoturn offers flexible membership plans with varying features and pricing options. You can choose the plan that best suits your needs and budget. Additionally, Novoturn charges a nominal fee for certain services, such as business registration assistance.


Our selected projects

View the full case study of our recent featured and awesome works that we created for our clients.

Recent Blog

Updated Journal

We help brands stand out through aweful, elegant visual design. Our design mainly philosophy.

Ready to join the Novoturn community and start your co-owned venture?

Sign up now to become a member and access exclusive benefits, resources, and opportunities for collaboration.

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Contact Us

Nenuya Centre, Elia Street New York, USA


When do they work well, and when do they on us and finally,
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